An eight-storey building could be coming to East Hastings at the corner of Semlin Street.
Dialog submitted a rezoning application on behalf of Reliance Properties for a mixed-use building with 131 market condo units for 1943 to 1967 East Hastings St., located directly across from Xpey’ elementary school, which was formerly known as MacDonald elementary.
The application, which is being considered under the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan, proposes a floor space ratio of 4.01, commercial space at grade level, 169 underground parking spaces and 300 bicycle spaces.

Currently, there’s an auto repair shop, a sushi restaurant, a pharmacy and a social club on the proposed development site.
An open house runs from 5 to 8 p.m. at Xpey’ school, Oct. 17.
The project goes before the Urban Design Panel Oct. 30.